Eine PHD Thesis über den Einsatz von Blogs an Universitäten.....
In an educational context weblogs allow students the autonomy to self-publish their notes, thoughts, and critiques about their readings and research. They can self-organise these notes chronologically, categorise them into topics and sub-topics and capture lists of links to other writers, useful references and favourite websites.
Blogging provides new ways for knowledge to be expressed and distributed, and as a personal learning or knowledge management tool, it assists in shaping the structure of cognitive processing. Students have indicated that it enables them to make connections between subject topics and content. "...it assisted me in understanding how to research in a structured way. It provided me with a framework to process research on a topic, gather knowledge and reflect upon issues..."
Used appropriately, weblogs in teaching and learning encourage students to write regularly. This in turn assists in developing competencies in critical thinking and in making connections between theory and practice. The use of weblogs switches the focus from a single end-product such as an exam or essay, transforming learning into an ongoing process.